
HSE engagement and programmes

Golden Rules and Life Saving Rules

As part of the KPO HSE Policy on raising HSE cultural awareness and reducing incidents, KPO has three main Golden Rules (from 2017) and eleven Life Saving Rules (from 2019).

Golden Rules regulate the Company’s approach to Health and Safety: comply with legal regulations, intervene if in danger and respect colleagues while engaging.

Life Saving Rules are based on rules of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers — IOGP, and are created as part of standardization of global health and safety regulations among oil and gas industry organizations, as well as to improve sharing of knowledge, experience and lessons learned.

These rules focus on 11 types of activities with highest potential risk.

These set rules are applied to all employees of KPO, contractors and sub-contractors and all assets and production facilities operated by the Company.

In order to continue improving the personnel awareness on the Life Saving Rules, in 2021 a Life Saving Rules In-depth Learning campaign was launched including the training materials and tests to ensure effective understanding. Results obtained by the employees are listed below:

  • «Bypassing Safety Controls» test — completed successfully by 3,589 employees;
  • «Line of Fire» test — completed successfully by 3,571 employees.

Consequences management

KPO has an HSE Behavioral Accountability and Consequences Management Model ensuring systematic study of employee’s behavior with either positive or negative consequences, and identifying appropriate reward or action.

In 2021, activities on raising awareness of the Company and contractor employees were continued via Skype. 90% of high and medium risk contractors were covered. Awareness sessions on HSE Behavioral Accountability and Consequences Management Model will be continued for KPO Management staff, so that Managers support implementation of Consequences Management Model across the Company.

HSE Leadership and Culture Programme

HSE Leadership and Culture Programme was developed to reinforce health and safety continuous improvement and to develop and enhance the skills of frontline supervisors to enable them to coach frontline workers to implement safe working practices.

The Programme’ implementation continued in 2021. «Coaching, involvement and intervention» courses were organized for the Well Operation department, Project Execution Directorate and their contractors. Also, with the support of the Corporate Safety Department, KMG-Parker Drilling Contractor initiated the Coaching Tool Pusher «Stop Work» Programme amongst its employees. The Corporate Safety Department, at the initiative of the Social Projects Department, held introductory mini-sessions on coaching, involvement and intervention for supervisors of the Social Projects contractors in Uralsk.

Management presence on work sites

HSE Leadership and Management Tours programmes define a necessity for all KPO management to be visible in the workplace and interact with the workforce to monitor overall HSE performance and encourage continuous improvement in line with the KPO Policy, regulatory requirements and industry best practice.

HSE tours are conducted at two levels: HSE leadership tours intended for KPO Directors, Controllers and contractor Managers, and HSE Management Tours for KPO Front-line Supervisors.

In 2021, the total number of HSE Leadership tours amounted to 127 compared to the planned 70 having resulted in 181% plan completion.