
HSE Card programme GRI 103-3

In February 2021, a new «HSE Card of the week» initiative was launched. On a weekly basis one of HSE Card observation is presented out of monthly and quarterly winners.

The initiative is aimed at personnel learning based on real observations made at company’s facilities:

  • How to identify unsafe conditions and/or acts and what to be focused on
  • How to intervene in a right manner and correct the identified hazards on the spot
  • How to define the observation types

A big awareness campaign was carried out to improve the quality of submitted HSE Cards. The refreshing «HSE Card Programme Train the Trainer» course was conducted for all KPO contractors who participated in Turnaround 2021. Within the campaign educational posters and trifolds were distributed among all KPO facilities and contractors, also pop-ups were developed and issued.

In December 2021, the 10-year Anniversary of the HSE Card Programme was celebrated in KPO.

The official ceremony was held online and attended by KPO top management, employees and representatives of contracting companies. The purpose of the ceremony was to summarize the 10-year results and recognize those people who were involved in the HSE Card Programme and made their contribution to its development.

Main achievements throughout 10 years of HSE Card Programme implementation include:

  • Over 10 thousand KPO and contractor employees participated in the HSE Card Programme and 184 thousand observations were made by them.
  • More than 106 thousand corrective actions were implemented by responsible persons to rectify unsafe conditions.
  • Besides, there were over 20 thousand unsafe behavior interventions recorded.
  • The active participants of the HSE Card Programme became winners of the KPO Parent Companies’ awards for a number of times. For example, over 10 KPO employees received BG Golden Hard Hats, three Shell Goal Zero Hero Awards and one ENI HSE Champion Award.

Based on results of the HSE Card Programme in 2021:

  • 3,402 employees participated and 24,279 observations were made;
  • 25 near-misses were reported and investigated with the aim to prevent more serious incidents;
  • Over 2,204 interventions were made and corrective actions were assigned, 97% of which were closed at the year-end;
  • 139 new KPO employees underwent the HSE Card Programme training;
  • 72 contractor companies made 15,714 observations, accounting for about 65% of all received.