
Integrated HSE Management System GRI 403-1

Aiming at systematically manage health, safety and environmental risks, KPO operates under its Integrated HSE Management System, which is certified against the ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety), and ISO 50001:2018 (Energy Management).

Since the initial system certification in 2009, KPO has been organizing annual surveillance audits by accredited third parties. The new ISO 45001:2018 Standard for Occupational Safety and Health has replaced the OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard. KPO management supported certification of the HSE Integrated Management System to the latest version.

In 2018, in order to identify gaps in compliance with the ISO 45001:2018, KPO conducted the first stage of analysis of the existing HSE Management system documentation.

In 2019, KPO conducted the second stage of analysis of the HSE Management system in order to check the company readiness for certification and compliance of amendments introduced in the internal HSE documentation after the first analysis. The two analyses identified gaps that were addressed prior to the 2020 re-certification audit.

In 2020, KPO had passed through the re-certification process and successfully obtained certificates for the ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety), and ISO 50001:2018 (Energy Management). This achievement demonstrated that COVID-19 has had no impact on the certification process and on the KPO’s HSE commitment.

In 2021, KPO had passed through the re-certification process to maintain its credentials in relation to ISO requirements. KPO employees and contractor staff work intensively towards maintaining these processes. Continual improvement and commitment are KPO’s priority in ensuring the health and safety of the workforce with minimum impact to the environment.

The KPO HSE requirements are extensively communicated at internal and external levels, such as to all KPO staff but also with all contractors and subcontractors (i.e. inclusion of HSE requirements in each awarded contract).

Each year KPO undertakes a range of HSE programmes, trainings, initiatives and campaigns. These include but are not limited to HSE inductions, job specific HSE training, and various other HSE programmes, such as Safety Leadership and Culture Programme, HSE Card, HSE Award Incentive Scheme, Health Risk Assessments, Environmental Culture and Awareness Enhancement Programme, and other.

On the other hand, and on annually basis, KPO carries out its own HSE internal audit plan. For example, in 2021 KPO held 14 HSE audits.